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Balboa Deluxe VL Panels

Balboa Deluxe VL Panels

Balboa Deluxe VL Topside Control Panels

We have the full range of replacement generic Balboa Deluxe VL Topside Control Panels, Keypads or Touch Panels.

All the topside controls below work with GS Balboa control boxes with the letters DZ at the end of the product name, they can also be found on older M3 & M3 Elite metal box control systems. You may find that your original panel has fewer buttons on the overlay sticker but is the exact same control, we sell the high-end panels meaning that they have the full functionality of that type of panel. If you don't want the extra unused button showing then we also sell a range of alternative overlay stickers to choose from.

If you are having trouble working out which replacement panel you need please feel free to contact our experienced team.